Frequently Asked Questions

This page will contain answers to Frequently Asked Questions that the league receives. If you do have a question, please check here first!

Q. How much will it cost for the season?
A. The cost based on a 16 week season with 8 home games:

Q. How do I register a team?
A. The following steps help us determine what division and location for your team:

Q. When does the league start?
A. Games are played through the spring and summer months. Most divisions start the second week of April; the Premier division usually starts later in April..

Q. How do I find a team to play for?
A. You can submit a player resume to that we will post on - managers look here for new players. Make sure the information you submit is accurate and complete so people can contact you!

Q. How do I register as a player?
A. Follw the process below:

Q. Do we need league issued I. D. cards with photos?
A. No, you can use winter league photo I. D. or any government issued photo I. D. These MUST be brought to each game and shown to the referee before you can play; no pictures of ID on cell phones will be accepted.

Q. Do the divisional winners receive a trophy or money?
A. The winners of the Championship Final in each division will receive a registration credit to cover the team registration for the next season and the runners-up will receive a 50% registration credit for the next season.